80% of visitor-facing (including seasonal employees) and decision-making staff (who have influence over the physical space) are trained for a specific department or organization on a yearly basis

Meets Advocate Certification requirement and all location-specific services (assessment, mystery guest, website listing, and report) for at least 75% of public-facing facilities initially and on an as-needed basis

Earns Advocate Certification
Disability Etiquette Training
First, we train (via a self-guided module) the decision-making and visitor-facing employees on how to respectfully help, interact with, and treat those with disabilities.
We include concepts such as: interacting with visitors with speech differences, what you are legally allowed to ask a service animal handler, updated verbiage, and much more!
Needed for Advocate+ Certification
(Location-Specific Services)
Accessibility Test
We will conduct our own practical accessibility test, which examines the most impactful and practical accessibility features that affect the user experience. This test may be conducted during the training period and is the first of our location specific services.
After you have completed the training, a mystery guest with a disability will visit your establishment to test out the accessibility and observe how they are treated by employees.
Mystery Guest
Report and Listing
After the mystery guest experience and accessibility test are completed, we compile a report with the feedback from the mystery guest, as well as our feedback and suggestions. This report is for your internal use.
Our suggestions inform inexpensive interim solutions, long-term projects, and more!
Simultaneously, we will add your location to our database.
Advocate Certification
Advocate+ Certification
Virtual badge for use on your site
Stickers for locations with QR codes
Social media highlight
Your facilities are added to our database as certified locations
Stickers for locations with QR codes
Virtual badge for use on your site
Social media highlight
80% of visitor facing and decision making staff to be trained on a yearly basis
Continue to keep training as part of the onboarding process year-round
75% of public facilities to receive our full location-specific services, initially and on an as-needed basis
75% of public facilities receive a mystery guest experience from an individual with a disability yearly
80% of visitor facing and decision making staff to be trained on a yearly basis